Monday, 27. May 2002
Euro: Damn Heavy Industrial Masterpiece.

If you would have the choice between a 1 Euro coin and a good old English Pound one, for which one would you possibly go? Let me have a good guess: If you are from somewhere Central Europe like Switzerland you'd probably tell me to shut up and explain why cheese and goats are a wonderful trading payment system, if you are from proper Central Europe you'd tell me all the wonderful stories about the new currency like how it saved your day 'cause you were in Italy and somebody did nick your money but because the Euro is nearly everywhere you could go to the next cash mashine and get some money out of there for your next experience with a street robbery. Fine. But the question I want to ask is: Why the hell are these euro coins so damn heavy? Don't start argueing about the Pound coin, we all KNOW for a fact, that a pound is not necessarily a light thing, do we? Also earning a pound is something which needs to be achieved first of all. But nowadays you can see all the Euro-transformed people in the streets, carrying huge leatherbags full of Euro coins because the do not fit in any way anywhere in your wallet. I thought the development of the world is based on evolution which somehow does include experience from the past, means: If we English are happy to have something like 3 pound 50 pence in our wallets, it doesn't mean heavy coins is somehow a state of richness, does it? I would have thought that the people who did design the Euro would go like this: "Well, the English Pound coin is far too heavy, we european people are nearly all rich, expect for Switzerland, these bastards have shedloads of money but they should use anyway cheese and goats as their payment system, so let us make the Euro coins small and handy." But no, instead they went something like "..we want to increase the sales of leatherbags and the best way to do this is to make the Euro coins a) damn heavy and the Euro Cent coins b) so damn small that you WILL loose them in your wallet."
The idea of having a global european currency is absolutley fine, no one should argue about that (except the French but hey, if they don't argue about anything non-french-related they'd propably invaded by aliens). But if a global currency then with an increase of usage-usabilty, not an increase of your body weight.
Damn bastards.

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The Diary of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank

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