Monday, 27. May 2002
My prison reform proposal


They’re massively overcrowded here in Britain, thousands of nutters sitting around on their arses.

What’s the prison population made up of?

The answer is: -

Vicious hard bastards mostly. Desperate misfits who’ll stop at nothing to give vent to they’re every malicious little desire.

These guys are just lounging around in their cells masturbating, watching quiz shows and basically costing the British tax payer a fucking fortune! Something like £30K a head, I hear.

What’s that all about?

Look, what we have here is a terrible waste of a great opportunity.

They should be put to good use, earn their fucking crust.

Right then, so let's think of another operation made up of thousands of louts sitting around with fuck all else to do but wank.

The army.

That’s right. You see where I’m going with this one huh? Maybe.

Ok here’s my proposal including some off-the-cuff plans for implementation.

Anyone sent down for a decent stretch, say the equivalent of 3 years + (the sentencing of convicted prisoners will need to be restructured) gets drafted into the penal battalions.

It’s tough, though. A 10 year minimum stretch, a training regime so hard and so strict that only 60-70% will even survive it, let along make the grade. Those unfit or just too wild to make the regiment will be treated and found other useful work *

For those who make it there will be advantages, a reason to live, the camaraderie of the regiment, and newfound self-respect.

There will be more tangible pay offs too. Though they will remain ‘locked up’ they will get better facilities. Current army bases will be made secure for containment. Here they will get plenty of exercise and decent food too.
Once a man has served 5 years without trouble, his wife and kids (if he has them)will be allowed to move onto the base (though the family units will be separate from the main barracks) and they may even get day or weekend passes (any regiment member causing any kind of shit on a pass will suffer (i.e. probably die) at the hands of his fellows as his whole company is very severely punished for his actions).

Initially command will be assumed by existing experiences army leaders of all ranks, but later prison soldiers may rise in the ranks and take some responsibility.

A lot of guys currently in the army as volunteer soldiers, less suited than the cons to combat duties by dint of they’re innate civility could be freed up for other duties.

The penal battalions will be on a rigorous and constant program of tough training and battle conditions exercises.

These people are so well suited to this set up its madness that it hasn’t been done already, it would be the making of most of them, I’ll bet after a 10 year stretch most of them wouldn’t even leave, especially if you start to pay them properly to stay on after they’re sentence. Even if they left for civilian life they would be so completely reprogrammed by they’re time in the regiment that they should pose no further threat to society

Shit these guys could be, with effort moulded into the best, hardest fighting force in the friggin’ world……….effectively for free!!!!!

I’m a firm believer in people being allowed to excel in the sphere in which they’re talents lay, these particular people excel in mindless violence, acts of extreme brutality and unthinking unfeeling wonton destruction of life and limb, they’re made for the fucking penal battalions………its perfect.

Tell me I’m wrong.

* Medical experiments for example

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